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Eligibility Requirements

  • Checklist_shutterstock_1152770804Be in good health and feeling well
  • Be able and willing to read, understand and sign a consent form (consent is available in English, Hungarian and Japanese)
  • You can donate up to 600ml of blood once every 56 days.
  • Between the age of 18 and 66
  • Weigh at least 50 kg
  • Vaccinations: 
    • Book your visit 14 plus days after your COVID-19 vaccine
    • And at least eight weeks after any other vaccination
  • Not pregnant and have not been pregnant in the past six weeks
  • It is not recommended to donate blood wiles menstruating, but if your iron level is good, you can if you wish
  • After getting a tattoo or piercing, you will need to wait twelve weeks before donating blood
  • After having a surgery you will need to wait eight weeks before donating blood
  • Possess a valid government-issued photo ID (Driving License, Passport, ID Card etc.)
  • Do not eat 4 hours before your donation, but drinking water is recommended
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol for at least 12 hours before donation
  • You need to be seven days medication-freeº:
    • This is applicable to all prescribed medication
    • No over-the-counter medication like painkillers and antihistamine in the past 48 hours
    • No aspirin or any other meds containing aspirin in the past 72 hours
    • Will also ask about medicines you have taken in the past
    • Contraceptive medication i.e.: the contraceptive pills are acceptable
    • Exclusions apply on rare occasions when upcoming/current projects allow so

During your visit, we will:

  • Give you copy of Informed Consent Form. After you’ve had enough time to read it and ask questions if you have any, you will be required to sign the form before we will be able to procced further
  • Ask you for urine sample to do test for drugs of abuse.
    • Please note – consuming food which contains poppy seeds could result in false positive test for drugs of abuse! You will not be eligible to donate in a case of positive test for drugs of abuse.
  • Collect information about your current health and previous illnesses and surgeries
  • Ask about any infectious diseases you have or had in the past.
  • Check your blood pressure, temperature and pulse
  • Test your iron levels to make sure it safe for you to donate blood
  • Occasionally, in addition to blood donation, ask donors to donate nasal swabs, saliva, sweat, etc. These collections are not obligatory We will ask for your permission and proceed if you agree.
  • Please allow an extra time for the recovery after you’ve donated blood!

Leukapheresis Donations

If you are interested in donating white blood cells (leukapheresis), you must donate whole blood first. During this visit we will assess and advise you if you will be suitable and provide you with all necessary information.